Monday, June 29, 2009

On Praying for Insight

Two and a half weeks ago I was visited by Mormon missionaries. They came at the behest of my best friend's brother-in-law, who is Mormon. I am not bothered by their visit, aside from a slight awkwardness as I stood on my front porch talking to two boys in their late teens while wearing sweatpants and a t-shirt which had baby spit-up on each shoulder. As I stood there speaking with them, my hair pulled back in a half pony tail and no make up, the baby spit up even more - all down my back. Fun times.

But all in all, I felt blessed that they had visited. Our sermon in the week prior was about being the salt and the light in the world, and about how God places us in certain situations to have the opportunity to spread His word, so that others may know Him.

So I stood their on my front porch, totally unglamorous and reeking of baby vomit, and I realized - God brought them here for a reason. It was not, I think, for them to minister to me. I have prayed on that at length over the past 2 1/2 weeks, as I looked at bits and pieces in the Book of Mormon they left, and asked God for guidance on whether what is in that book is true.

As I laid in bed early this morning, unable to sleep, this blog name came into my mind. Well, in reality, I wanted it to be Sadly, that was already taken. The site it's taken by is devoted to exposing the truths of untrue religions, one of which is mormonism.

To me, this is God giving me the guidance I asked for. This is God giving me the questions to ask these boys when they return later this week, and the questions to ask them to help them re-think their "truths". The trick, as I see it, is how I help them understand that there IS a God out there - they've just been taught the wrong way up until now. And boy is that a tall order for someone so newly in these shoes.

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